This blog is to keep all of our friends and supporters updated on our life in Venezuela. We are serving university students and business professionals in Valencia, Venezuela. We are both teaching at a local university in the language department. We are building relationships with students throughout the city as well as running a bible study that we hope to see grow into an established university student church.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Bienvenidos a Morgan and Debbie's blog! I hope that this blog will be useful to all of our family and friends as we serve for two years in Venezuela. Morgan and I will be trying to keep this updated with stories and pictures of what God is doing in and through our lives in Venezuela. Right now, Morgan and I are at our parents homes in Acworth, GA and Warner Robins, GA respectively. We got back from our two month orientation just a couple of days before Christmas. Our time there was fun, inspiring and informative. We were with over 200 others that are going to all parts of the world. We learned everything imaginable from doctrine, discipleship strategies, to everyday business matters. Morgan and I were both blessed with great friends that in many ways felt like a second family. While at training we all lived in quads which is basically a building with about four apartments that share a common room. Morgan and I shared an apartment in the best quad on campus!

Although we were very busy at orientation, some of the weekends afforded some time for some extra fun. Morgan and I, being adventorous girls, went on two road trips with some of our friends at orientation, one to DC where I visited my sister, bro-in-law and my new nephew and she visited a friend. The second one was to New York City. Both trips were short but fun, I look forward to many more adventures with Morgan in the next two years! Orientation was excellent, I am very thankful for all the support that made orientation such a special and important part of our preparation to go. You can enjoy a slideshow of some of our fun at orientation below.

We are eagerly anticipating our departure date of January 22. We had orginally planned to leave at the beginning of the month however, due to circumstances beyond our control i.e. unavailable tickets, we are leaving later. I, more so than Morgan, was frustrated by the later departure date because I have been anticipating it for so long. But as I learn more and more everyday God is the God of time and not me. He tells us in Isaiah 64:4 that "Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him." I really do not know all that God has in mind for us in the time that we wait and I may never know but I WILL wait on his timing! Now, Morgan and I are taking advantage of (or as the say in Venezuela "aprovecha") the time we have at home by spending time with friends and family as well as building stronger connections with our supporting churches. If we haven't already, maybe we'll see you!

Chaito pues!

Debbie D =)

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